• Commentary
  • Year:2024
  • Volume:5
  • Issue:1

Yogic Exercises as an Ergonomic Approach to Set Stem Cells in Motion

Aruna Rakha Arora


Yoga integrates breath control, meditation and physical exercise to promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, fostering a harmonious union of mind, body, and spirit. For a very long time, it has been thought that a healthy soul leads to a healthy body and Yoga is a medium to strengthen the bond between the mind and body. Evidently, yoga is believed to be beneficial for patients with depression, asthma, anxiety, back pain and hypertension. While there is a wealth of literature scoring the tremendous health advantages of yoga, the specific mechanism by which it improves overall functioning is still not fully understood. Mechanical stimulation through Yoga and pranayama may be mobilizing stem cells from their depots to peripheral circulation, facilitating organ remodelling and pattern creation. This has been shown to be induced through rapid changes in gene expression, potentially underpinning their positive effects on cell biology and overall health.



Stem Cells
