
  • Mr. Rakesh Mittal


    Rakesh Mittal
  • Mr. Rakesh Mittal

    Honourable Mr Rakesh Mittal was born in Patiala district of Punjab in 1958. He has been a spiritual person and tried to see all superstitions in a scientific way. He always felt that whatever have been written in ancient scriptures, Veda and upanishads are fully scientific contents. Modern people may project it as superstition or imagine as paranormal knowledge base but he always felt that there is science behind it and one has to do proper research to bring the fact into the society. He has understood that he has to give back to society one day in health related work where vedic sciences and scriptures can give us a new direction in healing and medical science.
    He did went to study commerce and business in his education days and later developed himself into a successful industrialist. His initial service to nation was to contribute in Industrial Revolution of India by developing banner of Skylite Innovations. Though, he was in commerce and industrial line, he never forgot his root interest in meditation, religious activities, spirituality with science and a crave to give back to society in health activities or on research related activities connected to health science.
    Mr Mittal is currently serving the Journal of integrative medicine case reports (JIMCR) as a patron to make sure that integrative medicine research can reach to international level and to a definite heights. His vision includes, each and every medical case treated anywhere in the world, which has reached to miraculous finding should be very well documented and reviewed by research experts to understand its reliability and validity, instead of getting wasted or becoming a fiction story. All these work need big support and Mr Mittal has been a pillar to reach this level.